Journey to the heart of Bhakti yoga is...
A holistic program to inspire and reinvigorate your journey of self-discovery
A framework of experiences to discover and refine your authentic voice
Exploration of timeless practices from the paths of yoga with a lens to current day application
A welcoming and diverse community rooted in Bhakti
What to expect on your journey...
Deep exploration and personal experience of Bhakti yoga practices
Dynamic continuation of your foundational 200 hour training
Deepened understanding of core yoga philosophy from the Bhagavad Gita and other wisdom texts
Embodiment of yogic lifestyle and practices
Kirtan school - chanting, instruments and structure
Storytelling of tales from Bhakti yoga
Enhanced proficiency in practice, support and application of basic yoga asanas
Development of basic proficiency regarding advanced yoga asanas, alignment and application
Mapping yoga asanas and practices to subtle body anatomy and energetics
Application of yoga asanas to common injuries, limitations and conditions
Study of pranayama, pranic practices and vayus to impact the physical and subtle form
Development and refinement of skills to compassionately guide others
Defining and refining your authentic voice
Sequencing for different types of yoga
Weaving the many practices of yoga together
Proficiency in observation skills
External and internal cuing
Teaching in a virtual setting - best practices for sequences, cueing, observation
Observing and serving your students
Teaching experience
1 year..300 hours
12 weekends (200 hours)
Self directed electives (50 hours)
Practicum (30 hours)
Mentorship and teaching experience (20 hours)
In person or virtual attendance
Location may vary depending on learning objective
*students may have up to 18 months to complete.