Foundations ... a Yoga Student Training
"Atha yoga anushasanam"
"And now the study of yoga begins."
Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 1.1
Deepen your practice, or build a foundation for teaching yoga that emanates from your own commitment to living yoga. A 200+ hour program to become seated in oneself as a life long student of the path of yoga.
Now enrolling for cohort starting JSeptember 2024
Yoga with heart foundational Student training
The Foundations program is a 200 hour yoga student training. You may be wondering...what is a yoga student training? At the heart of yoga is curiosity which brings one to engaging consciously. As the conscious mind is engaged, one slows down and notices what is arising within and what is arising in nature and the environment around them. Intention, connection, action and reaction dance together in engagement of the present moment. This engagement of the personal curious, conscious edge brings one to the true, ongoing study of yoga through living yoga...the true definition of a student. Yoga doesn't take place only on a mat or in certain places or certain books...yoga isn't a checklist to be completed...yoga is a science of life. From the consistent practice of curiosity and self reflection springs forth clarity and a foundation from which the practices and philosophy of yoga can be shared with others. Your unique voice and dharma emerges with the depth of your studentship.
This program expresses our our key values - accessibility, diversity and respect. The program is flexible in nature and can be completed in as little as 9 months or as long as two years and offers a variety of experiences as well as economic choices. We champion diversity of thought and interpretation of the vast world of yoga by bringing together many voices and experts. This diversity is key to embracing each person as an individual who has unique gifts and a unique journey in this lifetime. The ability to self direct modules program honors each individual and their interests, their dharma and their voice.
The curriculum consists of 2 components.
Foundational Curriculum (120 hours): These are required and form the core of the foundational yoga student training. Offered in a variety of formats (virtual, in person, hybrid, etc) and a variety of durations - classes, workshops or intensives.
Electives (85 hours): These hours are yours to choose. Have an immersive adventure. Steep yourself with local and guest teachers. Dive into topics and practices which are calling to you...uncover your individual path. At least 15 of these hours must be in-person or as virtual synchronous trainings (in other words, live in real time).
The 200+ hour program is registered with Yoga Alliance. Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll receive a 200-hour certificate. You’ll have the option to register with Yoga Alliance at the 200-hour level.
Foundational Curriculum

Living the Foundation of Yoga - 30 Hours
Most of us equate yoga with "doing" and the physical practice. The movement practice is one aspect of the vast landscape of principles and practices within yoga. These deeper tenets can form a compass or foundation of steadiness and ease in modern day life. ​
(Starting November 2024)​​

The Parts of the Whole Being - 35 Hours
Step into a deeper understanding of your whole being. From the mechanics of the physical body to the nervous system to the subtle energetic system...engage in experiential learning and play to understand yourself and the practices of yoga.
(Monthly playshops starting in October)

The Practice Lab - 30 Hours
Sadhana. Practice. Tapas. Integration of the parts and practices. In a container of community, the understanding of self deepens. The path of being yoga emerges. ​
(Starting January 2025)
Integration - 20 Hours
Integration. Discussion. Mentorship. We learn more quickly together. Uncover your uniqueness.

eLective curriculum

Follow your heart and your awakening desires with 85 hours of self directed experiences. Explore your yoga with immersive experiences and adventures...and locally hosted workshops and courses.
Ayurvedic Habits of a Yogi (Feel Good to Do Good) - (12 weeks starting each solstice/equinox 24 hours)
Advanced Asana Playshops - Inversion, Arm Balances, Backbends (3.5 hours ea - Winter '25) Explorations of the Vagus Nerve - December, March, June, September (3 hours ea)
Intuitive Sequencing - TBD
Unlocking the Power of the Breath (Intro to Pranayama) - TBD
Key Yoga Sutras for a Yogi - TBD
The Joy of Mantra - TBD
The Journey Within...to Bhakti - a yogi book club - TBD
Mental Hygience - TBD
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Mexico Retreat with Ambika - January 2025 (25 hours credit)
India Retreat with Gopi Sandal - January/February (40 hours credit)
Summer Yogi Adventure with Lora & Sandy - TBD (24 hours credit)
And many more to be announced!