As the sun starts to set faster and fold into cooler nights, we begin to see the trees, once working hard to acquire energy from the sun, release and let go of their leaves. The Baldwin City maple trees remind us of the beauty found in this transition with swirls of red, gold and green…a celebration of sorts!
Autumn is definitely a time for taking in and letting go and so too is our internal nature. May you take time to find appreciation of your hard efforts and passionate pursuits, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and relish the beauty embedded in change.
We have special workshops and experiences on the schedule. We invite you to stop in, connect with us and celebrate fall!
Lora, Sandy and the Ohmmies
Instructor highlight! Kim McDaneld
Favorite podcast: NPR news show: Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Favorite yoga move/breath: Restorative: Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined/supported cobblers pose) Breath: Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)
TV show you’re binging at the moment: Amazon Prime: Pretty Hard Cases, (TV series from Canada)
Pets: 2 male cats from the same litter 12 years old each. Oscar and Crookshanks and our newest rescue & addition since this past February, Fern a 2-3 years old Foxhound
Favorite place you’ve visited: Japan
Tell me about your class/classes at OmGrown: OMGYC is currently supporting the Baldwin Recreation Commission with Chair Yoga on Tuesday’s at 11:30 at the Golf Course. We use the chair as the main prop along with other unique supports through our practice and gentle asanas.
Thursday’s at the OMGYC studio @11:30 AM: Ageless Yoga. Both classes are for ANYONE. We use gentle asanas and props to gain strength, joint mobility, balance and awareness back into the body. It’s a perfect class for those recovering from illness, surgery and those thinking “ I can’t do Yoga”.
Before Covid I started to combine art and yoga together with a friend, and we created the Yoga+Art series which we started at OMGYC. We used meditation and mindfulness along with art. Combining Yoga and Art allowed a new level of intuitive mindfulness and mediation. Both Yoga and art are spiritual in nature, allowing our eyes, mind and hearts to be open to creativity and the world around us.
What are we up to?? Scroll down to check it out!

Om Grown Upcoming Events and Courses:
Falling in Love with Fall- An Ayurvedic workshop to live seasonally and cultivate vitality. October 23rd - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Enjoy a fun morning full of uncovering why and how to live in tune with the season to maintain health, reduce stress and open the heart to a more bountiful life. Dive into self care practices to nourish your mind, body and spirit. Experience seasonal foods and tastes to support health and wellness! Lunch included.
Trick or Treat! Bring the family and come dressed up to downtown Baldwin City Saturday, October 30th, from 5-8pm! We will be in our studio handing out goodies! More information
October 30th and November 6th. Join us for the Honoring Loss- Expanding Love seminars. You know loss because you know love. Loss occurs when there is a separation or shift in relationship between you and a significant person, place, routine, etc. In this two-part series, you will identify loss, express grief, explore healthy ways to mourn, open to expanding love. Booking this seminar signs you up for both sessions, if you cannot attend both days, handouts and activity sheets will be available.
November 21st. Nourish with Gratitude - A Soul-storation event. Sessions available at 3:00 and 5:15. Sink into heart nourishing gratitude through the practices of restorative yoga, pranayama and yoga nidra. Perfect way to start the holiday season refreshed, re-centered and refocused. Join us. Sign up here

Ava will be waiting for your arrival to the studio!